Monday, October 20, 2014

FMEC Meeting: Reunion of "Geeks and Geezers in Social Media" #FMEC2014

Calling all Social Media Geeks and Geezers alumni. Starting at the Hershey FMEC meeting, several of us launched a social media era for FMEC with a session called, " Social Media for Geeks and Geezers".   Mike Sevilla, MD and Kenny Lin, MD and I noted that, after our Seminar, several blogs were initiated.  "The Future of Family Medicine" blog by Kevin Bernstein (then medical student on the AAFP Board) MD and "The Singing Pen of Dr Jen" by Jennifer Middleton, MD were among them.  Numerous persons started a Twitter account at that meeting.  It was a nice start.  After two similar sessions at subsequent FMEC meetings, including Jennifer Middleton, MD, Michael Smith, MS, Kenny Lin, MD and I in various faculty roles more people started to Tweet and blog and use social media in all sorts of venues.

Kenny Lin, MDCommon Sense Family Doctor
A. Patrick Jonas, MDDr. Synonymous
Jennifer Middleton, MD The Singing Pen of Dr. Jen 
Larry Halverson, MDFrugal Family Doctor
Mike Sevilla, MDFamily Medicine Rocks
Kevin Bernstein, MD/Andrew Lutzkanin, MDThe Future of Family Medicine

In Arlington, VA, we're inviting Geeks and Geezers to be Social Media Ambassadors via Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Internet Radio, etc. throughout the FMEC meeting.

We'll have a breakfast discussion table for Geeks and Geezers on Saturday morning to celebrate and launch interested persons with their own Twitter, Blog, etc.

The hashtag for the meeting will be something like #FMEC2014.

Many of our tweets will also be sent to #FMRevolution #DirectPrimaryCare and others.

As we turn the corner to become "Solutionists", think about what might be the next hashtag for
what's happening in Family Medicine.  We'll discuss #the nexthashtag at the meeting, maybe in the bar Saturday night.

Who's a Geek and who's a Geezer?  Your mirror has the answer.  Mine said, "You are a geezer."
Onward to #FMEC2014


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