You are a health expert. You know how to get sick.
You know how to take care of your self.
Up to a point.
You know our office staff.
You know our magazines.
You know Dr Google and Web MD
You do self care well.
Up to a point.
You know your story.
You know your support system.
You know how you cope with illness and adversity.
You know what we do.
Up to a point.
We know our medical system.
We know how to doctor.
We know how to care.
We know how to comfort.
Up to a point.
We know medicines.
We know hospitals.
We know other specialists.
We know laboratories.
We know imaging centers.
Up to a point.
We know that you matter.
We know that you may need help when you're ill.
We know how to listen to your story.
We know how to validate your worth.
Up to a point.
Together, we find meaning.
For our lives.
For our illnesses.
For our coping strategies.
For our ultimate demise.
Up to a point.
We comfort each other.
We honor each other
We confide in each other.
In our own way.
Up to a point.
At the point of connection.
At the point of respect.
At the point of shared humanity.
At the point of wholehearted contentment.
At the point of God's Creation
Within which we share as patient and doctor,
Human and human, teacher and learner,
learner and teacher, steward and steward.
Heart to heart.
There is a piece of God.
You know your story.
You know your support system.
You know how you cope with illness and adversity.
You know what we do.
Up to a point.
We know our medical system.
We know how to doctor.
We know how to care.
We know how to comfort.
Up to a point.
We know medicines.
We know hospitals.
We know other specialists.
We know laboratories.
We know imaging centers.
Up to a point.
We know that you matter.
We know that you may need help when you're ill.
We know how to listen to your story.
We know how to validate your worth.
Up to a point.
Together, we find meaning.
For our lives.
For our illnesses.
For our coping strategies.
For our ultimate demise.
Up to a point.
We comfort each other.
We honor each other
We confide in each other.
In our own way.
Up to a point.
At the point of connection.
At the point of respect.
At the point of shared humanity.
At the point of wholehearted contentment.
At the point of God's Creation
Within which we share as patient and doctor,
Human and human, teacher and learner,
learner and teacher, steward and steward.
Heart to heart.
There is a piece of God.
well said