Saturday, July 9, 2016

Now the Morphine

Mom is getting a bit “gaspy” with her breathing.  Occasionally, she coughs.  She frequently breathes fast, but claims to have no breathing problems.  The Hospice nurse gave her another dose of morphine today to help her get through all the movement associated with her bathing and changing from the Aid who came a bit later.  Mom was very relaxed five hours later and breathing more comfortably.
The morphine will help her to relax and breathe easier more and more often over the next few days as it becomes harder to breathe and harder to relax due to the congestive heart failure and recurrent micro-aspiration of food and liquids into her right lung.  She has no complaints, though.
We the living or We the survivors have more problems than she does.  She has no worries or stressors anymore.  Her mind seems to be dissociating from her weakening body, not noticing its maladies.  Heading toward the end.  Still on course, on glidepath toward her heavenly future.