Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Blog Review and Interview with Shaina Gerad, MSII WSU Boonshoft School of Medicine

Dr Synonymous Show August 2, 2011 on Blog Talk Radio Click Here for podcast

Introduction Dr S, Show Content, Shaina Gerad, MSII, WSU Boonshoft SOM

Disclaimer:  We are not practicing medicine here tonight
Patient blogs: MamaSick Being Neighborly

 and Pissed Off Patient   Pissed Off Patient
Dr Jonas Glee Club Reunion at West Point July 28-31

Med Student Blog: The Future of Family Medicine: Shared Decision Making is Two Way

Interview with Shaina Gerad, MSII WSU, a solid physician in the making.
                Hello, Miss Gerad, is the sound OK for you? HIPAA check, are our lips sealed about specific patients?  OK, we may proceed.
                How did you decide on a medical career?
                What prepared you for medical school?
                Tell us about your family’s involvement in health care and what influence that has on you as you start  your second year of  medical school.
                Tell us about the summer course through the Area Health Education Consortium (AHEC) that you were fulfilling in my office for the last four weeks.
What kind of experiences were interesting to you during that AHEC experience? Would you care to comment on your Social Media Project?
What seemed to be challenging about the experience? Etc.
What is the main focus of each year of medical school at WSU?
How collegial are the students in your class?  We hear that doctors have to get along better with each other and clinical and administrative team members.  Have you seen or heard of curricular elements that will deal with teamwork and multidisciplinary studies?
What are you learning about the Health Insurance Reform and Health Care Reform in medical school, if anything, at this early career stage?
There is a huge shortage of primary care physicians, contributing to the lack of access to health care for millions of people and extra expense for these patients who go to Emergency Rooms when they don’t have a doctor.  What are you seeing and hearing about student attitudes toward physician workforce issues such as specialty maldistribution?
How are the students going to deal with the debt they incur during college and medical school? How might that affect what they do?
What are you looking forward to in your medical career? In medical school? Etc.
Shaina, thanks for spending time with us tonight to catch us up on your career and some aspects of medical school through WSU.

This is Dr Synonymous.  Next week we’ll review the Ohio AFP annual meeting and comments about issues in the health care system, and, as usua,l patient blogs etc.
Til next Tuesday at 8PM ET, I’m Dr Synonymous, hoping that you are synonymous with your best health.  Good night.

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