Sunday, February 26, 2017

Family Physicians: Blog On!

Hi Folks,
I've smoldered into hypoblogemia.  Blogging less is getting into my blood.

A cup of coffee from one of my top five coffee cups early Sunday morning listening to gospel bluegrass on the radio has me ready to write.  Reading started it- The Bible 1 Timothy 2:1-4, A Synopsis of Bible Doctrine in the back of my Ryrie Study Bible, Psalms (there was a bookmark and underlinings on Psalm 33).

The Wright Way by Mark Eppler, Incomplete Nature by Terence W. Deacon, Synaptic Self by Joseph LeDoux each get a few pages of attention from me.  Entropy, thermodynamics, morphodynamics, complexity, absence, reductionism, order, organization, and mind are words on the pages that wake up some areas of my memory and some brain filing cabinets, as well as stimulating some of my senses.

And so to blog.  As Samuel Johnson might be writing is he was still alive.

Is it all about the money?  Or Beauty and Truth?  Or Sin and Salvation?  (It's Sunday and I'll be in church-United Methodist- in a couple hours.  Yes, Sin and Salvation is more a Baptist focus than Methodist.  And taking notes.  Like, who else is taking notes in church?  Bloggers?)

"Blog on, blog on with hope in your heart and you'll never blog alone", the song may be changed.

People are different.  Unique.  One of a kind.
The Human Condition.  Blogworthy.
Family Medicine.  Also Blogworthy.

Feel Good Nutrigenomics by Amy Yasko, PhD, NHD, HHP, FAAIM is a useful introduction to a way of helping people through nutrition and genomics.  Pharmacogenomics was to be the great hope for the next era of medicine.  It hasn't panned out.  Nutritional strategies for bypassing genomic flaws are delivering that hope for many.  Nutrigenomics, Epigenetics and Methylation are key words in this book.  It has changed how I practice medicine for the last two years (before I had the book- the internet holds much of Dr. Yasko's work and videos on YouTube have hours of her lectures)

Zinc.  In Nutrient Power by William J.  Walsh, PhD, he points out that 93% of persons at their clinic with psychiatric diagnoses had a moderate to severe zinc deficiency.

Zinc is the "Chemical of the Month" in my practice.  Not so fast.  Many persons with zinc deficiency need it replaced slowly to not stimulate toxic levels of other chemicals.  Fifty mg. daily was used for many in Dr. Walsh's clinical experience.

Direct Primary Care.  Is it the great hope for a return to quality in health care?  Will it get bogged down by self-inflicted regulation?  See my previous blog posts about DPC for more background on what it is and why it's important.

I intend to shift most or all of my practice time to Direct Primary Care in January 2018. It's a model that eliminates administrative hassles from insurance companies and the government.

Nutrigenomics in the practice will soon include specific tests to hone in on individual needs and responses to therapy.  The DPC model allows the time to personalize better for each patient and their family.

Blog On!

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